Hi, my name is Johan Stals. I was born in Hasselt in 1960 and finished my studies as a sports teacher. Even today, I carry the spirit of a sportsman in me.
My life has been guided by these core values :
Ethical Entrepreneurship | Share & Discover | Embrace Team Spirit | Respect Everyone| Keep an Open mind | Be Result driven | Think Out of the box| Be Firm & Fair | Embrace Fun & Fire
You can find more details in my C.V.
What means 3LEFS :
LEF in Flemish means to have the guts to do something that needs to be done with :
A) courage , B) consciousness & C) confidence.
3LEFS is an extension from LEF with additional key words (12 in total, 3 for each letter).
These words are my drivers in my personal and professional life.
With my backpack full of experiences in different commercial roles, it would be great to help your organization take on new challenges while helping each of your staff:
1° Becomes a better person/ employee/ employer
2° Become a teammate and helps other team members perform better
3° Is ready to attack the challenges waiting for us in the (near) future.
=> THE RESULT will be a company and team encouraged to succeed in their journey.
For additional information ,please see my C.V. and/or send me a mail at Johan@3lefs.com.